Ken We Bone



What the fuck does Eric Idle have to do with anything?

White dude lectures everyone on why racist thing isn't racist. Film at 11.

Oh. My. God. Are you still on about this? HOLY SHIT, someone has diffrent opinions than you! SCANDAL! ZZZZZZzzzzzzz. Fucking give up, kid.

Noel stated why he believes in Sony's dominance in a clear manner that showed some actual thought. Do I agree with him? No,. It's clear that Nintendo has been the top video game company in the past 20 (hell, 30) years, despite the WiiU's failure. But I'm not going to call him a dick-guzzling fanboy, and certainly

Ugh. I can't keep up this being at your level bullshit. It's simple. If you're going to come in with zero substance and insult someone for their strongly-supported opinion, don't fucking dance around like you're actually being clever. Clever left you at the station a long time ago.

Sure thing, son. Sure thing. Because I was the one who came in here talking about gargling cum and 12 year olds. This is what happens when school lets out, you children stay up way past your bedtime with nothing to do but talk back to your betters.

"Kiddo"? "12 year old girls"? Whatever gets you off, you fucking pedo piece of shit.

Fucking say it like a grown up. Don't be coy and cutesy in your insults.

Less than Mexico.

No one will care once Preseason starts.

A goalie doesn't have to make sixteen saves with a "spectacular" defense.

Herp derp der. Good one, dude.

Lubbock is a shit hole.

Cry me a river. I've been a janitor before to pay the bills. Gotta start somewhere. Community/Junior colleges (or the Candian equivalent, ya hoser) are your friends.

Definitely sounded like it. Especially at the end.

Yes, they should definitely plug the competition during their press conference. Don't start a business, kid.

I just got two jobs. Pays to get an education instead of playing video games and bitching on the internet.