Ken Vaughan

Epic stats fail. You need to compare the number of “bumber” entries to the number of owners of each car brand. Otherwise the car brands with the fewest owners (ahem, Infiniti, Bentley, Acura) will win out by default to the brands with a lot more owners (i.e. VW, Chevy, Lincoln).

I see the “Alt” key on the left, what does the other “Alt Gr” key on the right do?

Call me an idiot, but this isn’t settled at all. For one, I double dog dare anyone to put together a video showing a RWD with winter tires and a 4WD or AWD with ALL SEASON tires on a snow course. I couldn’t find any on youtube, everyone uses summer tires for comparison which I agree are totally worthless.

What about the Lambo Egoista?