Is this the one that keeps retweeting white supremacists, or is it the other cheap Patrick Bateman knock-off? I can’t keep them straight.
Is this the one that keeps retweeting white supremacists, or is it the other cheap Patrick Bateman knock-off? I can’t keep them straight.
I don’t feel much (any) sympathy for Melania Trump, but she looks like a stoat with its leg caught in a trap in that photo.
I read a Facebook comment today that was something along the lines of “Bill Clinton did the same stuff, and it didn’t disqualify him from the presidency!” To which someone responded, “But it would today.” That’s progress, right? Also, BILL ISN’T RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT TODAY.
In fairness, I’m sure Little Trump is proportional to Big Trump’s fingers.
I took French a long time ago, but I believe “talent manger” translates literally as “to eat talent”, or “talent eater”.
Your mom is awesome.
All I can see in his stupid face is shades of Dubya. Apparently he’s about as bright, too.
Honestly, I think so much of it has to do with the individual kid. my son woke up once a night to eat like clockwork until he was 15 months old. Then he woke up at 5 am. Now he wakes up at 6 am, which is tolerable, but literally nothing we have done has ever affected his sleep. We did everything the damn books and…
Ha, my boss just said that she did that for her son to get him to stop sucking his thumb. The only difference is that he wanted an electric guitar.
Okay, is 70-year-old my aunt in Charleston, SC being way too blase about this storm by staying put? She sheltered in place during Hugo in ‘89, and I think the fact that they haven’t had a “real” storm since then has given her a false sense of security. She’s posting to Facebook about how she has plenty of wine and…
I used to work for an eating disorders hotline, and if anything, we saw people trying to feed their friends - making delicious food they wouldn’t eat themselves and giving it away. It was, I think, a twisted sort of test - “Am I virtuous/self-disciplined/(insert justification here) to not eat any of these brownies?”…
I overheard two millenials discussing this very topic the other day on the bus. They were both thoroughly convinced it was staged.
I somehow read this as Lopez working on her Second Amish album and was confused, for a number of reasons.
100% this. My uncle had a very high-functioning sister with Downs’, and she still required full-time residential care as an adult. My husband has a couple of cousins in their 60s with congenital developmental disabilities who live in residential care homes. Their care is now being coordinated - and funded - by their…
No -- I have celiac disease, and I assume he has a thin film of flour all over his body. Also, does anyone else think he sounds “posher” in later episodes of the show? We’ve watched seasons 1 and 6, and to me he definitely sounds.... different, in the later episodes.
Miley Cyrus has a rib tattoo of a dreamcatcher? Ewwww.
That’s exactly what I was wondering. If you need three paragraphs of exposition to explain it, it’s not good art.
Sometimes the stock New Yorker cartoon caption is just perfect: “Christ, what an asshole.”
He’s got a pretty unusual first and last name, and the internet is forever. This should follow him around.