
I got that same vest from Ikea, but I use it as a rug.

Army isn’t the right term — I was thinking more of a cabal of Olenna Tyrell types, of Olenna Tyrell had been a Dothraki woman and could eat a whole raw horse heart.

There’s honor among Khals, I guess?

Every photo I see from this season makes me think “Ow, my boobs!”

Okay, does anyone else hope that Daenerys gets to the nursing home for the widows of Khals and ends up organizing them into an army of elderly Dothraki women? Because I would imagine that anyone who outlives a Khal (as opposed to being killed by whatever kills him) is sneaky as hell. I, for one, would not want to go

I scrolled past this quickly and thought that tiny little dog was spattered with blood instead of wearing a pink dress.

Are you ready to have a panic attack about the earth?

Am I the only one that thinks this was a strategic move by Trump? By taking a “who cares, this isn’t really a problem” stance, he gets to look both progressive and sane, while pushing Cruz still further into policing-whats-in-people’s-pants territory.

What on earth are those from? I desperately want to forward them to my friends who knit.

My boss and I discussed who would be the less annoying Ivy League roommate; Ted Cruz or Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber. We decided Ted K was probably quieter.

This me, except for “quarter life crisis” put “being diagnosed with a chronic illness” and for “skincare” put “buying way too many lipsticks, apparently in the belief that finding the perfect matte nude will make your immune system stop hating you.”

Umm, where are the whites of Blac Chyna’s* eyes in that photo?

Politico reports. Trump—himself an enraged, bewigged fetus blown up to a nightmarish size

These are the same people who praise libertarianism, yet inexplicably fail to move Somalia to become king of the pirates. Laws are great when they apply to other people!

Weirdly, the author of the WaPo piece is a foreign affairs reporter. I’m confused as to why he was assigned to this piece in the first place.

Well, Wendi can now have her enemies murdered with polonium. That’s nothing to sneeze at.

Fun fact: oral prednisone can give you facial hair! I started sprouting peach fuzz like a prepubescent boy.

When people tell you who they are, believe them. Thirty-odd years of public statements indicate that Donald Trump is a raging sociopath, narcissist and misogynist.

Every single one of their songs can be accompanied by this .gif. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

Right? I’m skeptical of conspiracy theories in general, simply because I have a hard time believing that any group of people can coordinate that well. It’s terribly cynical, I know, but I’ve been a member of one too many dysfunctional committees to believe that the government could fake the moon landing. Somebody