“The Godfather” was a long time ago, Bobby.
“The Godfather” was a long time ago, Bobby.
I thought about that one! But then I figured that people might actually disagree about the current Pope (I think he’s Catholic, FWIW.) Whereas water is wet, bears shit in the woods, and Andrew Wakefield is an asshole.
In that case, here are some other conversations that we should have:
What is wrong with the model’s lips? It looks like she’s got some terrible high-fashion cold sores.
As everyone else has said, maybe they can fix their quality issues while they’re at it. I refuse to pay Banana Republic prices for a garment that I could just as easily buy at Old Navy for a third of the price.
The New Yorker cartoon rule works here with only slight amendment: Christ, what assholes.
And to think that the current crop of Republican presidential candidates makes Romney look halfway reasonable and relatable. Even with his terrifying “The White House staff is similar to a holding company” transition powerpoint, which outlined how he was going to restructure the U.S. government, Bain-style:
Because I think higher education, particularly in the more abstract fields, sometimes drives the empathy right out of you.
Total non-sequitur, but his vest makes it look like he has four tiny, off-center nipples.
Per the Yahoo article, “there are 23 schools in the NCAA tournament – more than one-third of the entire field – dealing with Department of Education Title IX investigations.”
What a cipher of a First Lady she was, compared to Michelle. I can’t think of a single cause she championed.
People like Cruz are why I eventually quit the college debate team and decided not to be a lawyer. Second-best decision I ever made (right after deciding not to pursue a humanities PhD.)
I’m curious as to whether he’s still wearing his nerdy trial camouflage, or if he’s reverted to dudebro type.
That is a hell of a lot of thwarted artistic energy being expended on hair.
At least they’re the same price? Few things annoy me more than seeing a “women’s” product that’s identical to yet more expensive than the “manly” version. (Haircuts, dry cleaning, any sort of face, hair, or body product....)
Amy Adams looks terrified in that photo. Also, is Russell wearing a Teamsters pin?
Ugh, I’m sure someone I know will post an approving link to this on Facebook. Last week it was articles praising North Carolina for drug testing welfare recipients (even though the evidence as to the efficacy of such testing is, at best, mixed. In nearly all cases, states have spent way more money on drug testing than…
My mom had a polio scare — she was born in ‘48, and remembers them closing the local pool after an outbreak. We have a family friend who has used crutches since childhood because she lost most of the muscle tone in one leg due to polio. So yeah, we’ve always been pro-vaccine.
“Batman vs. Superman” happened, I think.