
“I hoped to explore the question of what had happened to this once-promising young man.”

“In writing this piece – which was reviewed and signed off on by at least four editors prior to its publication —”

... every woman is basically naked?

Yeah, the convertible seat is so much heavier and bulkier than the bucket seat. We got a backpack carrier for it and it still nearly knocked me over. If we take it again, I’m going try to strap it onto a rolling cart of some sort. At both 11 weeks and a year, I found it super-helpful to have someplace for him to sit

It didn’t seem to, but we also made sure that he had his pacifier for take-off and landing. (If the Jompette doesn’t use a pacifier, maybe you could give her a sippy cup instead.) Are you still using a bucket car seat, or have you switched to the convertible? We flew with the bucket seat when the mini-Kentuckienne was

It actually wasn’t bad at all! We had lots of toys and little snacks and drinks and tried to tire him out as much as possible in the airport beforehand. And my son is also a super-chill baby. If you can time it right, hopefully she’ll sleep most of the way. In retrospect, do wish we had gotten my son his own seat — at

The last time I flew with my husband and (then) one-year-old son, we were on one of those flights where you can pick your own seat when you board. We got seated early because of our kid and took a window and a middle seat (so as to better entertain the munchkin during flight). Everyone who boarded after us had the

Nope, not in the military, but I wasn’t diagnosed with celiac until I was 25. On a GF diet, I’m just as healthy as the next person. It’s only when I eat gluten - which really isn’t that hard to avoid - that I get sick. So someone who joins the military at 18 and spends the next 7 years training and building their

It’s nice to know Ted Cruz disdains my celiac disease-riddled guts, because I hate his too. Along with the rest of him.

Just imagine him saying this in his gentle, reasonable, yet somehow menacing voice from “Firefly.” I got chills.

Am I the only person who’s slightly amused by the dogs’ handlers? “I have put on my best suit and shoes, styled my hair, and put on a full face of makeup; now I will jog next to this fancy dog, who is the real star of this event.”

When I was in my mid-20s, I started a new job. My supervisor informed me that one of my new colleagues was mid-transition and had just started using the women’s bathroom. Honestly? If she hadn’t told me, I never would have known (or cared). What do these people THINK transgender people do in the bathroom, anyway? I’m

In fact 38% of Trump voters say they wish the South had won the Civil War to only 24% glad the North won and 38% who aren’t sure.

Because he was a slayer and a member of the GOP, or because he wanted to slay the GOP?

Well, this is my nightmare.

“Christie, just being the guy he is, he’s big military and it seems like he’s not going to take no for an answer when it comes down to the brass tacks of things.”

Unless it’s actual cream that you eat.

The Dallas-Fort Worth airport has nursing/pumping suites too! They’re really nice, too - with recliners and sinks and a little play area in case you have an older child who needs entertaining. You do have to call the airport number to get the keycode to the rooms, but there's a phone right there. I was seriously

There’s a predatory element to this, no? The extremely specific age/height/weight requirements, the demand that interested women contact him directly, rather than having their managers or agencies do so... In addition to his obnoxious tone, this sets off all my “sketchy dude” warning bells.

He has a lot to make up for, since he cheated on Uma Thurman.