
Who the fuck asks this question? Obviously no one who actually watched both players. Alexander ran behind one of the best lines in the league, with Walter Jones and Steve Hutchinson opening up tractor-trailer sized holes on the left side. Marshawn ran behind wet fucking single ply toilet paper most of his time in

I think Clerks 2 sucks. I think it only exists so Kevin Smith could do the LOTR vs Star Wars bit.

Wayne’s World 2 is fucking garbage.

Poor guy had to spend almost an hour chatting it up with Bill Simmons.

glad they found a backer, as opposed to making super cuts to their roster to accommodate a new venue.

That’s Klay Thompson right?

I’ll take that over the “everybody clap your hands!” thing.

Look at that Gator just fucking strutting along like, “Check this out, assholes. This is my fish. You got a fish like this? Didn’t fucking think so.”

“Unemployed man spends money on lavish vacation and we have the pictures to prove it!” FoxNews Sports1

And in a disappointingly small beachfront apartment elsewhere in Southern California, a single tear drips down Marv Marinovich’s cheek.

This comment is magic.

Lakers brass has reportedly expressed excitement over Lavar’s comments noting “If he only wants to play for the Lakers and we end up drafting him, that means he’ll be happy to be a Laker.”

Almost 30, and worried about not being an Adult? I’m almost 53, have 2 teen aged daughters, a real job/career, and I still feel like I’m in Junior High most days. Except I go to bed way earlier now.

I still don’t know how to fold choose a shirt properly.

When I went to see Star Wars TFA in theaters, there was that one scene where they recognize Han Solo and they say he did the Kessel Run in 18 parsecs or whatever, and before even Han could say “12" some guy blurted out, “it was 12!” and I still don’t know whether to be impressed or feel sorry for the person that said


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Sean Evans apparently has never eaten a taco either. Who the hell bites it like this (:32)??

“The only way San Antonio or Miami don’t win the championship is if neither team makes the finals.” - Magic Johnson

Yes, Bill. Two nickels and a dime for a dollar. We know.