Kenton Campbell

Oh the world where his career started at MI3. Got it. I'll go back to the adults table.

Actually you are Mitch.

I was referring to the plot of the last film, but okay then…

Amazing film. Believe me when I say there is a good reason why her family would have issues with this Doc. Truth hurts.

Yeah what a crappy 3 time Oscar nominated actor that guy is…

This pill will self dissolve in 10 seconds

Do that motorcycle dance again on BET . Oh you said get my ass IN the seat….. Wait is there still a BET? What was the question?

" Hunt, who’s been stripped, without explanation, of the personal life Mission: Impossible III provided him" . I guess you did watch these out of order. The end of Ghost Protocol explains everything. Hell it's the main reason Renner is in these films in the frist place.

I agree , That was all done for insurance . Ricky just wants to see the world burn.

Correction, That was not an Elvis impersonator . That dear friends was an impersonation of the legendary Conway Twitty. I hope that doesn't screw up the review.

Happy to see Esai Morales getting work. That probably warmed Marco Rubio's heart.

It's not surprising that Charles Green found a job in sales. Believe me if you can either sell or keep someone interested long enough (NFL stories) you can get a job THAT DAY in sales.

He didn't allowed them to do it because he didn't own it. Warner Brothers did. He would not get one cent. It's well documented.

Not unnoticed was that Jerry Seinfeld was wearing a Cosby sweater . A COSBY SWEAT-A !!!!

Whose vagina would you rather her talk about?

Seinfeld did it for me! They're credit card stealers ! They steal credit cards !

Great comment section this week people. Funnier than most shows.

No wait , I thought it was ' Welcome backside , Kotter'

When Pops said " A few ticks" , I yelled out , 'Bumpy Johnson !!!' Loved this episode.