Kenton Campbell


Sy as Andy Garcia was killing me…

"Had Merlyn ended the season reviving Sara as his first act as the new Ra’s, the conversation may have played differently." I guess you didn't see the trailer for "Legends of Tomorrow" , huh?

Alabama Slamma ?

You're funny. Thank you for this , lol.

Wait… 'Rochelle , Rochelle" isn't a real movie ???

Well Nolan Gould is a MENSA level genius and I felt these were hidden jokes on how he picks up things so quickly…

" Here's to turning the Paige , er page "

See that's the thing. You think of on Ferguson. I saw the knife and I saw a BB gun in the the toy section, I see the knife and I see a sword used for cosplay, I see the knife and I see a 12 year old kid playing in a park getting gunned down because he's playing with his toy gun. In a matter of seconds. You can use

Well think about this. The narrative for the death of Eric Garner was he was selling loosie cigarettes. The fact is he was breaking up a fight, those cops knew him from before and were harassing him, when they choked the life out of him , he had no cigarettes. Why do we have to worry about people being "open minded"

I don't care what grade you give it or this critique, but … It just felt GOOD to hear what I and many , many, others think that's how cops think. How they feel.

Lurch !

"Love life?" She LEFT . Imagine your significant other leaves for 2 years , not even a goodbye kiss, no contact. I'm sorry but if it wasn't going to be Mimi Rose , it was going to be someone else. It's not like they were in great shape to begin with. Remember the breakup talk. He wasn't happy before she left.

Jeanne G throwaway line, " The truth about Cats and Dogs…" Loved her then, love her still.

Yakov Smirnoff. Look him up sometime.

No props for the homage to "The Untouchables" elevator scene ?

I swore when Haqqani came out of that SUV , the first thing I thought was , "Uncle Leo?" Just waited for him to look up and and say, " Carrie ! Hello ! "

I love that Wincott's evil characters have mellowed with age..

But did you see his face when hew was talking to his daughter ? He had no idea where he was. I thought it was a public speaking freeze until I saw that. It would also explain how all of a sudden Maddoz isn't the foil anymore.