Kent Moffat

I’m no huge Phish fan, but there’s a part in the middle of Slave to the Traffic Light where they do the build-tension-forever-then-joyously-release-it-with-a-soaring-guitar-solo thing as well as it’s ever been done.

It think it’s bullshit that a national website is making fun of this kid for having a good time how he wants to. It’s lame.

Not every one is a fucking square that listens to coldplay or whatever lame-ass mumford shit you listen to. Go nod your head over your latte and leave the fun to those who know how to have it. This kid is having a blast, is probably all fucked up but you have to point fingers and laugh. You are as bad as the

Thanks McGruff.

There’s a reason Phish continues to be one of the top touring bands year after year - they have talent and continue to break new ground.

I had a couple fish albums that were more song-oriented (Picture of Nectar and Rift) that I thought were pretty good - Picture of Nectar I’ll still listen to sometimes. I got a couple others used after that and found them more noodley and, well, boring.