
True, but if I remember correctly, she was on a diplomatic mission. Not saying she's incapable of fighting or anything, but she seems to be more on the commanding side of being a leader rather than having a hands-on approach to it. That said, Rose did bust into her court and start wrecking stuff, so it wouldn't be

I feel Yellow Diamond's wish to see the Earth dead goes a bit deeper. The way she referred to "the Earth" when she realized where Peridot is felt a bit personal, like she held a grudge against it… And we can easily assume she has one. Between Jasper, one of Yellow Diamond's underlings, wanting to bash Rose's face in

Of course they aren't, that's the point. I'm trying to balance OUT my anime by watching toons. As in watching a more or less equal amount of both types.

the point is to keep a balance between the two, not watch just one type :p

The worst.

I think I read on the wiki that the hiatus will last 2 weeks. Between my current exams and Adventure Time and Gravity Falls also not putting out new episodes, this is gonna be torture… What am I supposed to watch to balance out my anime now? Archer?

I don't think you can get better or worse at dreaming, but you CAN get better at dealing with it. And let's be honest, none of us would go back after seeing our crush / ex turn into the one who took them away… especially while we're hugging them.

Can we talk about how this episode may havr shown us a glimpse of Yellow Diamond? I'm not sure is her, in fact I thought it was Jasper at first but after going back to watch Prison Break, I noticed that the Gem shown in Pearl's flashback had a different helmet than Jasper's and was wielding an axe. While many Gems

I wanted to add that comparison but didn't know how to phrase it. Basically, much like a child's parents breaking up can mess up a child, how would the gems falling out mess up the fusion? While homu's idea about the fusion still existing in some form as long as the gems have the capacity to love each other could be

I've been meaning to ask, what happens when two gems "break up"? Not Ruby and Sapphire in particular, but if fusion is the result of two gems' relationship (not necessarily love, as shown by Opal), what happens to the joint gem if the components have a falling out? Like humans, gems have characters of their own and