
Just wait until Hawaii dumps their rental fleet.

Ford Taurus rear sag.

Who the hell at GM decided that using the reverse lights as approach lamps was a good idea?

Kid Rock edition Silverado *drops mic*

Monte Carlo “Intimidator” edition. Because whats more intimidating then a 200hp V6? .. well, a lot of things actually..

Step 1: Quit building shit cars that you constantly have to repair under warranty.

Don’t dare tarnish that word!

“Son, is that you?”

I think we all knew this was coming. There’s nothing special about diesels that would limit these types of shenanigans from being using in gasoline engines as well.


When you don’t fit in it

Seems so ... Elemental.

“Hey, let us throw someone else’s money at every problem!”

This shit is fucking disgusting. This is OUR money being siphoned off into the pockets of military contractors and consultants. It makes me absolutely furious. Our military spending is ludicrous and the system is completely broken, yet anyone who tries to challenge this is accused of being soft on global threats and

That sucks. I have a friend who’s teenage son printed up some vinyl cling-stickers (no adhesive so no damage). They’re clear and in grey writing they say “I have a tiny penis”. He sticks them on the bumpers of bro-dozers.

Humanity never ceases to amaze me with how easily people get butthurt over things, and then the great lengths they go to in order to alleviate said butthurt.