
This is why video was invented. So we could watch Torchinsky drive a horrible car nobody has ever heard of and entertain us.

The comments on the Gawker article... Dear god. It’s pretty much 90% “gun contol” this and “islamaphobes” that.

Why isn’t Gawker reporting this? Oh right, there aren’t any women or brown people being victimized, so it’s not news.

Replacing the members of Congress with 9-year-olds would be an improvement.

This is why I would never touch a FCA vehicle.

3rd Gear: The UAW Could Strike Tonight

The US Government seems to have a hatred for Toyota.

To be fucking sucks.

As a millenial, this thing is the complete opposite of what I want in a car. It literally could not be farther from something I would ever drive.

I am a Millennial
I studied and am employed in Marketing, allow me to marketing fluff-up my sentiments on this heap:

Car company design a “Lifestyle” vehicle for young people :

Who else thinks this will be worse than TG:US?

You are saying this

They need to offer a GTI wagon in the US.

Sonnet by Saab, in any iteration, particularly the 65hp V-4

For this to happen at a time when we have a white flag for a president really sucks.

She looks like she just got caught doing the walk of shame?

And then you get to flying in a boring 737/A320

Democrats won’t be happy until 300 million Americans are on food stamps. They get closer to their goal every year.