
Politics at play. Think Cecil the lion too, it’s just a lion.

It’s funny that car companies can actually kill their customers through negligence and not face any serious consequences but if you try to get around an emissions regulation it’s going to lead to probable criminal prosecution. This is the world we live in.

It sucks for the thousands of VW employees who were led to believe they were selling a good product and now their livelihoods are in jeopardy. Everyday going forward, their workday is going to suck.

This would drive me nuts. It’s off center!

LOL... Idiot. That is insane. Full price buy back and crush the cars? LOLZ

For some of that? Sure. For that entire list?

Just to make somebody feel better?

You can’t get out of it that easily. Especially when there are so many great hybrid cars on the market that aren’t a Prius. I suspect the taunting will go “Should’ve bought an Accord Hybrid bro”

No. Because you drive a Prius.

Nice price, only because I have this weird attraction to large sedans with a stick shift

That would hurt. Because that is the day I crap a golden brick.

*For shit that some people who shouldn’t be allowed to drive pulled, not Toyota themselves.

Rand Paul noticeably absent from the cavalcade of errors...

Nothing on Rand Paul? I think he handily had the most sensible foreign policy comments of the night. Everybody else just sounded like they wanted to build the Death Star and start calling themselves “Emperor”

Oh geez. What a bunch of idiots. Every election I hate to vote because I just can’t find anybody that seems worthy of the position. This is not very promising. And that’s not even with seeing any ‘attack’ ads.

Too bad there aren’t more paint options. Would be fun to go a little nuts.

Get out of here with the anti-Texas garbage. Houston, Texas is one of the most ethnically diverse cities on Earth, with a woman (who is a lesbian) on her second term as Mayor.

Neutral: How Far Into The Future Should Automakers Look?

I thought he was just replacing a light bulb.

Is it vandalism if you go around as a masked vigilante...putting centre caps back on citizens’ cars?