
Personally I like this solution IF the screen and retract into the dash when not in use.


The second generation 5000 of 1982 was the car that put Audi on the map IMHO. It looked like no other vehicle on the road until the Ford Taurus came along. It was becoming the car to have until the “Unintended Acceleration Debacle of 87’”. You could argue and I might be apt to agree, the A4 was the car that brought

This reminds me of the old US Airways livery:

I put cheese under the seat.


You have just described basically every experience I’ve ever had with a taxi. From my perspective, Uber as a service has been a spectacular alternative to what was often a miserable experience.

Here’s the problem, taxi’s suck. I live in LA and it’s a pain to get a cab. Here’s one experience I had. I had to call 3 different companies before one even answers, I tell them specifically, “We’re four people and I need to pay with a card.” they say, “No problem, the driver will be there in 15 to 20 minutes.” the

lol I always loved that term “stealing business” - as a consumer, the cash in my wallet belongs to ME not to anyone else, until I decide who to give it to. Uber isn’t stealing anything from a cab here, they have just done more to EARN my business. It might sound like semantics but there’s a big difference between

feeling bad for uber drivers is not the same thing as feeling bad for uber.

Actually its not half bad since they just started doing cheap car challenges.

Amazon Prime is a gift to humanity. You will learn to love it. I don’t know how I ever lived without it. I’ve purchased everything from christmas gifts, to flags, to car batteries and it all shipped to me house two days later for free.

Craaack pipe. You can get 2004 XJR with almost 400 hp and all mod cons for less. And that was in all of 30 seconds of searching, probably much better cars and bargains out there.

1980 Thunderbird and Cougar XR7 were the first to offer it.

Standard equipment on the Ford F-250 California edition:

I sold a 1994 Hyundai Excel to a Saturn dealer in 1999. It had a piece of bread in the rear arm rest from 1995. I went back to the dealer a month later to get the radio fixed. My Hyundai was on the lot. The bread was still in it.

When placed in the dessert it will grow spikes to protect the occupants from being eaten by animals. It also holds water inside its door bumps... or so I’m told.

Scion needs to go away like genital herpes.

Neutral: FCA did need someone to put their foot down, but I do feel as though the NHTSA is being a little too aggressive about this. They’ve been called weak in front of their girlfriend at a party and are now doing some stupid and dangerous stunt to prove otherwise. This could all still end badly.

This seems over reaching and excessive on the government’s part.