Kent Adams

If someone is this lazy, don't invite them to your home! They will leave their shit all over the place, and burn your best pots.

Nah, I wear glass, and when I do, I am an asshole. The term fits.

I didn't know an atomic wedgie was part of ejection seat protocol.

Can we please just be done with the fucking word "hipster?"

Heresy! How are we supposed to make cushion forts with this abomination!?

So Clarke's 2010 wasn't too far off:

Can you imagine the sheer number of drones needed in a given metropolitan area? You'd need an air traffic controller just for drones. I do think they could get around the gps issues and such if they used location specific beacons, which Prime Air customers could be required to have. I think they could even get

So like Apple's new HQ?

I think you jat cracked... This article could have applied to ANY smart phone but because it's Apple you got upset. Grow the fuck up...

Apple haters have an amazing mental complex that continues to astound me. You hate Apple because multiple suicides at Foxconn? Were they making only Apple products there?

You hate that apple branded their held desk "Geniuses"? Do you loathe Geek Squad? Do you want to run down "Postal Carriers"? What's your feeling on