Kent Adams

Perhaps you should have not bought a 14 year old car that has had who know what done to it

The person spending $200k on a wagon/hatchback has taste and is probably a good lover in bed.

Then why is a Ferrari or a Porsche worth that then?

There is likely more nuance to this. I live in a neighborhood that was built next to existing Section 8 apts... and our cul-de-sac was a 24/7 nightmare from hell (ended near their back entrance and was out of view from the main road) because it became a 24/7 drive through for drug dealers, crime, and trash. We had to

Jorts and New Balance still appropriate?

What if...what if we admit that people are inherently complicated and don’t require that the people who are close to those who do bad things immediately denounce them? What if we say that even people who are on death row – who are a majority black and brown men – deserve to have one or two people who have loved them

You lost me at “Chris and Patty...”
Nothing that follows the name of a joint account is worth reading.

Remember quaaludes? They are a complex drug that only a few companies had the facilities to produce. For a long time there were groups buying finished pills, wrapped and boxed. Then the makers got requests for them as loose pills. Later they were asked for just the powder. This was because various drug enforcement

Suddenly I’m hearing old 80's commercials:
”We’ve replaced their Photonic Time Crystals with new Folger’s Crystals, let’s see if they notice.”

When I first got into PCs, the game to have was Wing Commander.

Pay your detailer’s more and this won’t happen!

we are not surprised that tech companies operate that way. We are exhausted that every company in the world operates in the same way! There’s a difference.

A major factor in this is American culture. I’m going to go back to WAY before cars here.

The Clayton Bigsby skit is growing even more uncomfortable over time.

Actually let me fix that for you.

I mean, acting dense as to why people don’t like him isn’t doing you any favors.

Elon Musk is an asshole, so nothing about this surprises me.

You’re mistaking the cost of making the film as reflecting the entire cost of releasing the film, rather than being about half of it.

Update the article, the guy who said it misquoted Van Jones and it didn’t go down like this.