Kent Adams

I’m not sure of the accuracy.  I dropped one in the Smokies and it had the same effect as if I dropped it in the desert.  I would think being surrounded by 6,000 foot mountains would blunt the impact radius but there was no difference between mountains and desert.  That makes no sense to me.

#Elonlovesdickpics. That should be a thing.

Jack Dorsey asked Steve Jobs to buy Twitter. Jobs said Twitter isn’t a company, its an app and he had no interest. Musk paid $44 billion for an app Steve Jobs said was worthless. Jobs was right.  

Black voters have a lot of power to decide statewide elections.  If they turned out in Georgia type of percentages, they could easily and I mean easily flip North Carolina’s two Senate seats.  The NC Democratic party is poorly led.  Georgia democrats need to organize our party leaders because they aren’t getting the

I love my LX.  I have no idea what you are even talking about.  There is a 2 year wait on a new one.  I’m sure its a higher margin for Toyota than the Land Cruiser ever was.  I don’t see any reason for Toyota to be concerned about having two premium SUV’s in their line up.  It doesn’t make financial sense.  

This has been going on forever, using a relative to discredit your foe. It doesn’t work, never has. My first memory is when Republicans tried to use Billy Carter to discredit Jimmy Carter.  Billy was a bit of a drunk and always in trouble.  However, Billy took advantage of his new found notoriety and created his own

That guy actually had talent.  He also happened to be a murderer too.

Hypocrisy is always a legitimate target of mocking.

While amazing technologically, as an old, I feel this is going to have some very nasty and unexpected consequences with the non-thinking members of our culture and other cultures around the world.  We’ve seen how gullible people are with prank videos, “reality tv”, claiming fraud because a wannabe dictator is grifting

This future car with 1000hp, will it still have the interior quality of a car with 150hp?

Elon fanboys are next level, spending $600k on a gift to a billionaire.  

“The same day Adidas closed his bank accounts”.....I know Adidas nullified his contract, but how exactly did they freeze his bank accounts?  Does Adidas own a bank or something?

Imagine if the Federal Reserve crashed and became insolvent. Would you still invest in US dollars? This is an admittedly sloppy comparison, but the closest I can come to in terms of currency systems.

Meta should take the $9 Billion and invest in acquiring Cannabis companies.  The return for the shareholder will be much higher :-)

I was in my late teens when Yugo’s were being sold in the US. They were as awful as any car ever made. A much better alternative was the Ford Fiesta for a few dollars more. Fiesta’s of that time period are still on the road and in decent numbers. Drive around the backroads of WV and you’ll see them everywhere. Yugo’s

Hero? No. FU money, perhaps. Someone that craves constant attention, guaranteed. The author and commenters applauding this are not likely exotic supercar owners. If you own several cars including exotics, you’d realize that daily driving these cars are not fun and the attention from others begins to irritate after a

For me, as a father, this is about more than just abortion.  This is about women’s rights period.  I think the debate has been framed wrong by the majority of pundits, its not pro-choice vs. anti-abortion.  Its about extremism’s heavy hammer coming down on women’s freedom and their individual rights.

Steve Jobs called from the afterlife.  “Tim you’re going full Bozo with the ads and the layoffs.”

Solberg trained for the race in a Mustang apparently.

I personally feel very sorry for her and it goes without saying, that under Western standards, 9 years is a ridiculous sentence. However, I am also angry at her for putting the United States in a position to have to release murderers in order to free her. I know she is 31 years young, but one should know that you