
Burn it with fire!

If they are not of the age of consent, then can they be charged with an adult crime? See how stupid all this is?

I’m guessing your stupid and not a troll. Minors receiving pictures of minors shouldn’t be an issue. Go to France and see nudity of all age types everywhere. Don’t be scared.

What in essence the DA is doing, is charging a crime where the victim and the defendant is the same person. This isn’t legal. The way the legal system is handling this reminds me of the daycare scare a couple of decades before.

Hate to be that guy, but as one of the original 10 year olds that sat in a movie theater all day watching the first Star Wars in 1977, I’d rather not see the actors expressions. There is a little magic in not knowing these types of things when you watch a movie.

That’s one of the funniest gifs I’ve seen in a long time. Where does that come from?

Queue all of the pro-nuclear energy, nothing to see here, bots in the comments

Funny, all of us who were there at the beginning thought it was a mixture of anti-Soviet, anti-Nazi and anti-fascism.

Duke over UK, 1992 commonly referred to as the greatest college basketball game of all time. UK fans are still pissed.

Buddhism is not really a religion by Western definitions. I think the only dumb-ass here is you. What killed Steve Jobs was his ego. What is killing your thread is the ignorance displayed by the OP. Don’t let your hate of Steve Jobs interfere with the facts though /s.

Steve Jobs died because he thought he could beat the benign tumor through diet, not religion. I’m unaware of any religious belief system Jobs had. He certainly didn’t express any.

Dumbest name EVAR!

Being an OG iPhone user, I’m still on unlimited. However, how many people ever use weak wi-fi? I’m a bit confused by this because all the iPhones I’ve owned have always picked up and used the stronger signal, no matter which version of the OS. I think Apple is touting something iPhones have been doing since day 1.

As a middle aged business exec, I have to call bullshit on you.

Holy cow bells! He was good!

I work in financial services too, and have for the last 25 years. You must not be in the South.

Based on the location, contrails wouldn’t appear likely until the aircraft is above 20,000 ft. More likely the plane, which is a dual engine, is at cruising altitude and traveling at least 400 knots.

Based on the contrails, that plane is probably moving closer to 400 knots.

The front end looks exactly like a 1980 Scirroco.

You must not live in the South. Black people aren’t a curiosity in the South nor is their culture and we share similar styles of BBQ’n.