
I enjoy my obscurity by using an OS not widely adopted by corporations across the globe. I hope it never is.

Allister, do you think the internet is broken today, because that is essentially what your argument is advocating?

Yeah, because without Net Neutrality, your ISP bill will never rise.... said no one.

Pretty sure John Hall never would have thought he'd be collaborating with a "Peter Frampton" wannabe :-)

You are a fool if you actually think the government can do anything and not completely screw it up with thousands of pages of laws and rules

That really is the most depressing thing, no? If one was ignorant and spouted these views that would be one thing, but he is a demagogue and knows much better. He's a modern day Jesse Helms, except he actually knows better than what he spouts, unlike Jesse.

I actually have experience in both, owning a small business and working B2B. Sorry to mess up your "perfect" stereotypes you've made up in your head.

I'm going to guess that the primary benefit of the wings, besides fuel savings, is lifting power? Any aeronautical engineers out there?

Are you serious? Republicans doing something anti-big business and pro small business? Keep dreaming.

I wish he had done this 3-4 years ago, when he had more "influence". Better late than never as they say, but he'll have a lot of powerful companies aligned against it, not to mention a 24 hour "news" channel and AM radio decrying it and brainwashing the common person to vote against their interests.....again :-(

Who volunteers to be the filter changer?

You and that idiot are the only ones that get your reference. Congrats on knowing such an obscure piece of trivia.

The App store literally "farts" more profits in 3 days than Amazon does in 3 months.

CJ, $175 billion isn't an illusion or dependent on future success. If I'm an Amazon shareholder and know that Apple makes more profit in 3 days than Amazon makes in 90 days, and they're willing to pay Amazon's outrageous P&E multiple, I'm taking that deal.

I'd be interested to know how many fantasize about having sex with ex girlfriends/boyfriends? I'm particularly interested in the male/female divide on that one.

Why not buy Amazon, take the Cloud service and then sell off the retail piece either back to its current shareholders or to another investor?

The DUI charges were dropped.