
In addition to the MIT's study of the mission's failure points, there are unknown failure points unthought of I'm sure. I don't think that would dissuade those that signed up for a one way mission. Mistakes, miscalculations etc. are part and parcel of exploration. However, those first on a mission are really

He never made it the NHL, however, the man wrote a book documenting his career. Its a good reflection on minor league enforcers.

I just watched the movie and thought it was pretty good. Its sort of a Rocky type of story except it involves Hockey. The movie is based on Doug Smith, a guy with little hockey skill but loved to fight. I found a couple of Youtube videos of Doug, the first one is from his first year. As the video and the 2nd one

Ah yes, you're right. I'd forgotten about Video Jukebox and Night Flight.

One day I'll break out the 8mm videos of early MTV.

I'd forgotten the controversy surrounding Thriller as many people on the right wing thought MJ was promoting the Occult. There was all sorts of politicians, mainly Republicans but some Southern Democrats that would later switch to Reagan's party, that were upset at the previews of Thriller being shown and promoted on

I think all of us were hooked in my region because we were sick of the Eagles, Boston and others that were in constant rotation on our radio dials. MTV brought "new" music to us.

Sorry I was distracted with my story about Shannon. Michael didn't break the color barrier on MTV. I remember many black artists like Lionel Richey, The Commodores, Kool and the Gang, The Gap Band, Sugar Hill Gang, and Grandmaster Flash just to name a few that came before MJ on MTV in heavy rotation. This MJ video

MTV predated Thriller by about 4 years I believe. This was the first video broadcast on MTV, which predates Thriller by 3-4 years:

I loved Shannon. In 1984, I use to blast this music in my 1979 VW Scirrocco with the Kami front end spoiler and my homemade speaker system and Alpine head unit with an equalizer. I thought I was so badass, LOL! Now, I'm paying for that loud volume! Shannon killed my inner eardrum! I think this Shannon video came

I see what you did there ;)

I think you're right about the utilitarian purpose of the design, but I think design can be more than utilitarian, it can be visually appealing as well and flat isn't appealing to me (i.e. "doesn't do anything for me").

Let me add one last thing. I'm not a big fan of this whole "flat" design that is sweeping both OSes. I don't like Apple's version of flatness and I don't like Android's. However, that doesn't mean I want to bring back faux stitched leather and fake pool table felt which is the worst of skeuomorphism. Steve Jobs

Dark Skies is a great app. One of my favs.

I don't have much to add other than to say that is one fugly looking app. Most of Google's iOS apps look nice, like other iOS apps, this looks like something that was cobbled together last minute, beaten with an ugly stick and then put in the App Store.

Amazing that they were still being used as late as that. I had no idea.

If they were "hacked", why did Rockbone delete his pornhub profile? Doesn't make sense.

Now playing

Because I don't have only 1 favorite, here is another of my favorites. When Schubert meets soul, the combination is fantastic in my opinion and shows how universal classic music is.