
Yeah, in this instance, I was the sucker for even responding :)

1984, first public use of "Insanely Great" by Steve Jobs? Apple hate was born that year. Jobs swagger and confidence that month set off a 30 year hate-fest among Apple's detractors. I remember watching his shareholder presentation on PBS. The computer magazines were full of commenters that hated Apple because of

"An LLC is not a corporation. Not knowing that doesn't give me a lot of confidence in your other thoughts."

All corporations organized outside of North Carolina must register with the North Carolina Secretary of State to do business in North Carolina. Foreign corporations must appoint a registered agent for service of process physically located in North Carolina. To register, file an Application for Certificate of Authority.

You have to register in the state.

I'm thinking "incredibly incompetent" at this point. This is likely a fund sold to low level investors that own their own small businesses and have a little extra to invest. The fund is likely, though I have no proof, sold through small town brokers to local small business people. These investors are likely persons

25 years as a Commercial Banker and prior Investment Banking experience gives me a bit of a leg up :-) I'm sure I don't have everything to make a firm conclusion beyond reasonable doubt, but Industrial Heat doesn't stand up to cursory investment investigation. Buying anything from a convicted scammer and then

I'm not so sure they aren't intentionally trying to defraud because they filed with the SEC to sale shares of Industrial Heat, LLC and admittedly have no one at member (LLC's have members, not officers) level qualified to even understand this "technology". In addition, I didn't see where their prospectus indicated

Just took another look. That isn't a registration for the state of Delaware. That's an SEC notification of intent to sell shares in Industrial Heat, LLC which isn't registered in its state of operation, North Carolina, as a foreign corporation.

I like to think someone I give money to will invest in something they understand, rather than relying on others to tell them, especially since the seller here is a convicted scammer and hasn't gone through the typical scientific method to confirm his so called discovery. Is there a reason that Industrial Heat, LLC

Yes, you may be right on that, however, Industrial Heat, LLC is not registered with NC either as a domestic or foreign corporation.

Cherokee Partners had its license to operate in NC suspended in 2009 due to failure to pay filing fees, which I think are about $30.

Well, then, they need to file as a foreign corporation in NC if they are operating as a Raleigh based start-up. I noticed too that their so-called parent company, Cherokee Partners, has had their registration revoked due to not paying their annual filing fees in 2009.…

Cherokee Partners, the company claiming an association with this "purchase", hasn't been a legally recognized entity in NC since 2009 when their registration was terminated due to their not paying their annual registration fees. Getting fishier and more smelly.

The PR release didn't list him as an executive. However, it's hard to know who the officers are because they haven't registered with the state, so, they don't legally exist. A company can't enter into a contract, and it be binding, unless they legally exist. This may be legit, but it smells to me as either a fraud,

If it is a Delaware corporation operating from NC, then they need to be registered as a "foreign" corporation, which they are not. I work as a Commercial Banker in NC and the first thing we do when investigating a company, is to look at their incorporation status with the Secretary of State. Most LLC's in NC are


Interestingly, there is no LLC registered in the state of North Carolina by the name of Industrial Heat, LLC. If they are not registered with the Secretary of State for NC, they aren't a legally recognized company. The PR release, by so-called Industrial Heat, LLC, referenced a spokesperson by the name of JT Vaughn.

My thoughts exactly.

That figure might be correct if this is all one piece because it required a unique mold.