
I do not think you'll ever make it out of the gray comments again.

This seems like an excellent use of smart phone technology. However, can it distinguish between those that have hyperlipoproteinemia and those that don't? If it can't, which I can't see any way it could, then it could lead to a false sense of safety.

Well, I suppose I won't promote you any longer from the grey pergatory as you are somewhat trolling.

That's purely an opinion.

You can find the same questionable "science" on the Moon Landing conspiracy as well.

Not helpful for me, but could be for someone else with the same type of question.

This one interests me. Anyone know of a similar type of club in the Greensboro NC area?

Paul, do you never splurge for something?

Now playing

You can always find a nutcase or two to say anything, its the other 99% that are more convincing to me.

It wouldn't matter what level of evidence existed would it? I mean, my experience means nothing to you. What did you call it, anecdotal? I was an eyewitness to what went on. I mean there are only a handful of people in the world that could give you what I just gave you. You simply dismiss it, as if it was

That's correct, there is nothing to see here, move along and while you are moving along, go see a mental health specialist.

I've got a 2006 Macbook Pro and it easily disconnects at times I don't want it too, especially when I have it on my lap.

I think its really a mental illness these people suffer from.

So tired of you people. WTC collapsed because it's foundation was damaged from the other two buildings. I happened to live in Falls Church Va on 9/11, the home of Mohammed Atta. Atta lived across the street from me. On the night of 9/11 and several days afterwards, we had helicopters circling our neighborhood at

My childhood dreams of a laser gun were just shattered.

Actually, it does:

Perhaps you should see the company you're keeping?

I know I want my dentist to be following internet comments from someone named Giggity. /s I would also have a lot of confidence in a "dentist" that would write "LOL's
" and stalking someone on a website as you are doing. Tell me, how does posting LOL's etc on unrelated posts and stalking a stranger make you feel? Do

Your a dentist? Congrats. Were you a principle investigator as my wife was? No? Then perhaps you aren't prepared to comment?

Glad you assumed the study being referenced here was different. Perhaps that is the confusion. Perhaps you should follow the links? This is from the study being discussed on this post.