
History repeating itself:

Google TV is dead? Eric Schmidt proclaimed exactly 2 years ago that the majority of TV's would have Google TV by the summer of 2012.

5.0 is a shout out to the 80's GT.

If those are toggle switches, then that is pure win, despite my other complaints.

I have seen it, look above.

Ford use to own Range Rover, that is why you see the similarities.

I'll take your word for it, but the interior photo's reinforce everything I've come to know about American automotive interiors, hard plastic, sharp lines and no hint of the subtleness of sophistication. I do however, think the exterior is fantastic, but I would take some of the shine off the plastic side skirts.

Stitch work is horrible.

I love these cars, but there is literally no excuse for the interior cheapness that has plagued American auto's for the last 40 years. Consumers and critics have been complaining about this for nearly 40 years too, and they all seem to ignore it. If I were them, I would hire a world class interior designer to solve


No, I've never used a modern smartphone. /s

There is one reason why I don't think this, what is written in the article, will happen. The Sun. There is yet to be a display that can function as well during the day better than a viewfinder. The technology is a long ways off from delivering an LCD, OLED etc. screen view that can match the traditional viewfinder

Dammit!!!! They killed Kenny!!!!

Now playing

Its sort of a symbolic "echo" from the souls lost there, unintended I'm sure. I can't imagine a more tangible reminder. The sound may take on a symbolic cultural reminder that thousands of people lost their lives in that area. However, I can understand if you live there you'd be unhappy with it. It's NYC's


Can you imagine the sheer number of drones needed in a given metropolitan area? You'd need an air traffic controller just for drones. I do think they could get around the gps issues and such if they used location specific beacons, which Prime Air customers could be required to have. I think they could even get

Then you should have responded to me, rather than ammohunt. I had the damndest time figuring out which argument you were supporting.

Which argument?

I'm a TV tard. Can someone explain to me the difference between the VT and ZT before I do the 1 click purchase?