
Is Clint_ZA your real name?

The reason I believe it's more revolutionary than the GUI is because of it's vast reach into so many economic spheres. The original Apple sold a few million computers and they were near the top during parts of the 80's. It took MS' Windows 95 to really push computers into the masses on the scale that smartphones

One of the things an employer has a responsibility for is to his current employees. In fact, if he/she is a good manager, his employees and charges are his utmost concern and he wants them to enjoy where they work and he wants all of his/her team to work well together. The second most important are the clients of

The first mass produced GUI was Apple in 1984. By the mid-80's, Apple was selling right up there with IBM. There weren't a lot of families with PC's during those days but GUI had been around for many many years before Windows 3.0.

Depending on where you live, you could probably find a 17" Macbook Pro on Craigslist for that price. I checked locally where I live and there are 3 of them for sale for $500.


Dave, I appreciate what you are saying, however, I don't think you are as informed as you think you are. See my earlier comment.

I don't remember the touch computing we know today being around since the 70's. There was capacitive touch, but I don't remember that being a "game changer". My first Apple was an Apple I. I bought it through an ad in Scientific American. Back then you could order a product through an insert in a magazine. The

Not sure about filing a DCMA on a name. You could file it for any purpose really. The DCMA is just a means to an ends, so to speak. It's highly unlikely you'll be challenged on a DCMA unless you have someone that is stubborn. Just send them an email after the DCMA notice saying you won't contest their website if

I don't remember it that way. GUI and PC's pretty much were congruent in their introduction. The masses never knew a PC without GUI. I'm not sure that make's sense but the world has gotten use to the PC for decades without touch. Touch is a new paradigm for the PC consumer. GUI was there from the beginning as I

Good God! The world has changed so much since the iPhone introduction. The iPhone has produced an army of "rubberneckers". No one thought this would affect children positively or negatively when it was introduced. I have no doubt this study is transcontinental in its implications. I know that I have changed my

It is. But who is going to bother searching for a copyright? People will just take down what you claim is copyrighted rather than go through a search of the copyright office. It isn't worth the time spent when the threat is "nuclear" (i.e. taking down the entire website).

Excellent response and information for me. Thanks.

What is an SDD card? I've never heard of that.

You can always use FB under a phony name and tell your friends. But, even then, if you have a friend that is known to your employer, they can investigate their feed and find you by your photo's even under a phony id. Your employer really has no "moral right" to investigate your social life imho, but its a tool that

I didn't bother reading, I immediately clicked the porn hyperlink. Damn! If I just had a 4k monitor!!! Giggity.

Make sure you read my edits to my comment. There is more possible problems associated with a FB account that you may not be aware of and the rights of employers that you may also not be aware of. If I'm the one interviewing you, and I'm upper management, not having a FB account is a plus. It tells me you are savvy

This one, which can be interpreted very widely. Am I potentially hiring a right-wing religious nut job or am I potentially hiring a thoughtful person that just happens to be a Christian? Perhaps you just liked the sign and thought it was funny or maybe just interesting. Another interpretation might be that you are

I followed your first link to destructoid:

File a frivolous DCMA take down notice with the ISP? I believe they have 24 to 48 hours notice before their whole website is taken down. They would probably just delete your reference because it's easier than retaliating against a DCMA notice.