
But if they were selling well, then that's $50 that would stay with BB. Multiply that $50 by 100,000 to 500,000 and that is some serious profit they are cutting, especially for a struggling company like BB.

If the 5c was flying off the shelves, I don't believe BB would be incentivizing it's purchase.

My understanding is that Apple already pre-scans apps for malware before they are sold on the App Store. The only iPhones I'm aware of that have been infected by malware are those that have been jailbroken. I could be wrong, but that's my understanding.

Now playing

"There was once a time when calling someone a nerd (and I guess a geek) meant you were smart."

Well, ain't that a bi@ch. Jimmy Fallon just lost some geek points.

Rhett and Link live about 5 miles from me. Therefore, I can feel good about myself.

Go over to Arstechnica. Samsung cheated.

Judging from that thread link to Macforums, it would seem to me to be a safe place to discuss Android handsets. How odd, I thought "Apple" people were just sheep and fanboys?

The required helmet though totally kills it for me.

I could only make it half way through the video before....

Couple of Trivia Bits:


If you got it, no need to flaunt it.

I understand a lot about where you are coming from, but let me ask you this? If you were that sales associate and a very good photographer and someone came into the store, claiming they were a photographer and didn't know that all Mac laptops support Raw processing, what would you think of yourself, if you were the

Chewbacca Sparrow iPhone still da' best!

I remember this sketch, it's a classic.

No matter whom is at fault, one thing is certain. The Lambo driver will have a better lawyer than the Mazda driver.

I'll take your confusion on my sentence at face value.

But unlocked phones aren't available yet, are they? Did they just give this guy a phone he'll have to enter into a contract for? I'm not sure of Canuck carrier's policy.