
I'd agree with you if not for the fact that the lowest common denominator has so much influence on American domestic policy, and by lowest common denominator, I'm not including the developmentally disabled, but those that want to restrict the care of the disabled, elderly and the poor. Those that want to gerrymander

By the North, do you mean Yorkshire? I lived 15 years in England. I'm assuming you are talking about Yorkshire north because this term isn't used in Kent or around London, except for perhaps the East side. If you are talking about Northern England, then that was obviously excluded from my description when I said

So, if I say "you nigger" to a black person, and I'm white, then it's their fault for being offended? Is that the correlation to it's logical conclusion that you are making?

Actually, other than the ignorant in Britan, no one uses the term fag to describe cigarettes any longer. Also, retard, in the singular, is not a word in French. The French version of retard is coupled with a verb, not a pronoun.

It depends on your viewpoint and life situation. If your child was mentally retarded and you saw how this language can hurt him, you might feel really sensitive about the use of the phrase "You retard".

Of course the term has fallen out of common use because some fucking retards decided its use was offensive. Well no shit, it's supposed to be offensive. How am I supposed to offend people who are being retarded when they keep taking away all of our best words?

This P.C. crap results in a circle jerk of language changes that really don't amount to anything more than costing companies money

I'm not sure we disagree, however, you aren't using the word as a pejorative in that sentence, which "you retard" is commonly accepted as a pejorative. When you say "you retard", do you mean or do you think most people mean, "you are delayed"? Or do you mean "you're a retard"?

There is no singular word "retard" in French, it's coupled with a verb. But I understand, you want to continue to support the use of the word. That's your right. It's also your right to defend other derogatory terms for groups of people. However, let's rise above that and give these folks some dignity.

and now we're on African-American (which is stupid, usually wrong, and I don't use)

"you retard" isn't meant as a phrase for delay in English, at least I'm not aware of it.

The use of Vous Retard can be considered a regional French dialect, I suppose, however, it depends on which part of France you are discussing. Which part did you have in mind?

"No one was harmed, injured or killed".

"It fills a linguistic need for when "stupid" just isn't a strong enough word."

I believe Coke closed the campaign because of technical reasons (i.e. not being able to control the randomly created, but incorrect use of French). I doubt the woman that called had the intention of closing the campaign to hurt people that are not offended by the words You Retard. She probably just told them of the

Actually, I'm fluent in French, but I must say, I'm not fluent in Canadian "French".

"Retard" by itself isn't a french word.

If there are a group of "blue" people that are routinely segregated based on their color of blue and the word blue is used in a derogatory term against this said group of blue people, I might support that too.

Perhaps it's just not newsworthy to you, but awareness of disabilities is always newsworthy to those that lead lives affected by disability. I can understand if this doesn't affect you or it's not "worthy" to the issues you are concerned about. I'd probably feel the same way, but not sure I would have commented to

There is no victim? That's a curious thing to say. Can you explain?