

The Middle East countries are not governed by a theocracy

"Where did I say I would enforce my religious beliefs on others?"

Being tolerate means I don't like what you say, for instance, but it doesn't mean I like you interfering with my life or have your religious views forced on me to limit me to 2nd class citizen status. I'm straight by the way, but I recognize that you and people like you want to keep certain people without the rights

I'm saying that one group of people don't get to enforce their religious views, which include bigotry, on the private lives of other people. That's not bigotry. Since when did monogamy become a vice for conservative religious people? Oh yeah, I forget. You people were also the same ones that made laws against

Ok, so you are going to enforce your religious beliefs now on others? What other laws has the imaginary man in the sky told you?

Equality under law also means everyone enjoys the same basic fundamental rights as others, that we don't set up two separate systems that treats one group one way and denies another group those same opportunities and rights of the first group.

There is no virtue in tolerating bigotry of minority groups.

Equality under the law.

So not supporting equality under the law for minority groups is open to opinion and are just "weasel words"?

I never realized differences of opinion extend to human rights. Thanks.

As I said, the study I just gave you had to do with HRV, not hypertension. You do know there is a difference, right?

I cannot help you. I've linked studies in this thread and I've given you a link to the sodium hypertension connection on the NIH. If you can't find at least 10 studies on the first page of that search link, there isn't much hope for me to help you, as you seem completely lost.

But they did approve the Kindle App and I don't have to do an in-app purchase to put a book in that app. I can go directly to my actual Kindle or through the desktop and purchase a book and it also shows up in the App.

"iPhone users CAN'T purchase from Amazon without paying Apple 30%"

Cool, so if I understand you;

Whenever I lose a screw, I usually take my meds.

Play-Doh is part of a healthy diet and is one of the main food groups recommended by the FDA. True story bro.

I'm not aware of a blog that digs deep, but here is a place you can start and follow the links to the other studies listed on the right.