
I like them all, except for maybe the pistachio, sea foam and lime green ones.

Oh, I've got fake Twitter and G+ too. I'd recommend a fake account to everyone and then tell your friends about your fake account if you really need that online connection. That way, employers will never have a "footprint" to follow. The only service this really doesn't work for me is Linkedin. I do have a faked

So I can comment in various places primarily that require a FB id. I'm too old to have been swept up in the FB fad and I'm not judging those that were. However, at my age, I realized pretty early, from my own experience, that its not always a good idea to chronicle one's life publicly because we all change over a

Being that my Facebook profile is fake, I'm able to ride anonymity pretty much. I never post to it, never friend anyone on it, so I feel pretty good.

Yeah, my bad, wasn't paying much attention.

First, you wouldn't find me in a cafe, I'm a bit too busy or perhaps I've just aged out of that scene, I'm 45.

The beauty of the Airport, for me, is its a plug and play.

Not sure why you need all those contingencies. I've been using the same Airport for 7 years and never had a minute of an issue.

"Grammar police", and I'm not speaking of you particularly, are fighting against linguistic evolution.

Would Shakespeare be able to understand English speakers today? I think he would struggle to, even those speaking or writing in what is acceptable today. Language is like evolution, its a river that constantly changes, evolves, erodes, builds new eddies and flows around old, beyond and through old dikes.

Yeah, but I already pay for both of those as well :-(

Now playing

I think this video was made specifically for you.

I pay Time Warner for Showtime and The Movie Channel. How exactly can they drop them since I've paid in advance for them? That doesn't seem legal to me.

Glad to see the "punk" rock attitude is still alive.

That reminds me of my chopper bike I had as a kid growing up, except my choppers front axle was longer. It was cool riding that on our dirt road but it was hella-difficult to turn and stay upright.

Considering that the majority of mosquito's live no where near fish, and frogs would have to eat literally pounds of them to sustain their weight, I don't see how your argument holds much water, no pun intended. Fish would not die if mosquito's vanished. Same with frogs. As a gardener/farmer of 30 years, I can tell

Typically, all species have some beneficial impact on the environment but the mosquito I can't imagine who benefits from them. Frogs? Probably not. Bats? I can't think of any reason that this creature benefits the ecosystem.

Raising a child with DS is a walk in the park compared to moderate to severe autism, which my son has. Raising a child with DS would be a joy compared to AD. DS kids are social, typically happy and can teach people, though that isn't their job, that life is wonderful. I'm involved in the disability community and

You're advocating a softer view of the rights of the disabled as a viable human variation worthy of life when you advocate abortion for people with DS and those that don't take that route should be ridiculed. That is the disconnect you seem to be unable to untangle yourself from. When you were called on it, you

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Here is a video I made many years ago, older than the date on YT about the T4 program.