
See if it still seems "sexy" after reading this:

Funny how times change. It use to be the opposite when I was in college in the 80's. Sometime around the mid-90's the prepubescent look became popular.

I still prefer my women natural. Shaved seems to me to be a bit pedo and that's not cool in Giggity's world.

LOL. You're not much of a thinker are you?

I said beautiful women on average make better lovers in my experience. Most men can separate love from sex, I don't think there is anything ground shaking about that. Now, as for whom makes better companions, from my experience it isn't beautiful women as they are just looking for the next best thing.

I'm not sure whose comment you are replying to, but if mine, you read a lot more beyond what was written and created all kinds of strawmen arguments I never made and then are trying to attribute to me. I've bed dozens of women, from not so pretty ones to really gorgeous ones. Fat ones and thin ones. Redheads to

Predictable and thus boring.

I use to work a combine when I was a kid, it was as big as a house. The hardest piece of heavy equipment to work after the track hoe is this:

“The More Ugly The Woman, The Better The Sex”

I use to own a front end loader and would put my son on my lap and work the controls. Its actually a very easy piece of equipment to work. However, I never would put him in charge of doing it all his own. Like this video shows, there are certain things you don't do when working a piece of equipment like this, like

Looks straight out of the 80's. I still have my graduation gift from 1986, an Onkyo receiver and tape deck. Both still work perfectly today and produce better sound than new receivers today you see in Best Buy for $1500. I realize they aren't as good as some of the really audiophile stuff, but the electronics in

Teddy says more BITCH!

Teddy says more BITCH!

Teddy says more BITCH!

Teddy says more BITCH!

Teddy says more BITCH!

Teddy says more BITCH!

Teddy says more BITCH!

Teddy says more BITCH!

Teddy says more BITCH!