
I sense some butt hurt :-)

Any phone that inspires such defensive views must have something going for it?

Wait for the benchmarks to come out. Guaranty you it smokes everything.

Totally with you on this.

The butthurt is strong with you my young padawan.

Rugged? Yes!

Molly, I'm surprised you applied anyway. Grey Poupon is garbage from a culinary perspective. No French cook would be caught dead using this stuff. Its foo foo stuff used mainly on hamburgers and meatloaf.

Really? You must be pretty young to believe that. If you look at any competitor, such as Google, FB makes nearly no money off this all powerful advertising system

Except graphics, ecosystem and after sale support. You have some widgets I suppose and an SD micro card if your into that, but most people aren't and you know what? That's ok. To each his own. If you feel so comfortable with Android and feel its so superior, why do you still feel the need to even engage in such

If they are charging 5% to use a Visa card to pay the ticket, that violates Visa rules and they could have their contract with Visa revoked. Someone should report them to Visa.

Not really if you know Apple. They often put off features in favor of battery consumption. You can do both on AT&T because it reverts to 3g. LTE requires 2 radios to do the same thing, thus sucking the battery down. In 18 months or so, LTE will be able to do both, like GSM on one radio. Like they were late to LTE

The convenience seems to be too big a trade off to me then if it takes 4-5 times as long to charge.

It currently takes me 45 minutes to fully charge my iPhone from less than 10 minutes remaining on the battery. What is the charging time for the Lumia on the wireless charging cradle they have?

Perhaps you should go and visit those sites and stop trolling here and calling people names. Your choice, but stop trying to bring people down with your incessant complaining.

Yes, I'm sure you are right that is what the Google search says. But that is what 14 year old trolls (which is their demographic) say about Engadget. Now, go count how many google/android related articles there are vs. Apple say for the month of August.

Less sensational I'll give you, along with that it more boring with 14 year olds trading insults back and forth in the comments. Unbiased not, they are highly biased in my opinion.

Perhaps you'd feel more comfortable with Engadget? They write about Google and Android all day and its always glowing and ball sucking. They even give away free Android products.

I'm not going to respond any longer until you give evidence of your accusation. I have no interest in engaging you in insults. If you want that type of response, go to Engadget.

People use to pound me in the comments when I said no one feared Tim Cook because he was captaining a leaky ship (I was implying the leaks happened because no one feared him, whereas Jobs would have had an aneurysm trying to locate the leaker and everyone knew it). A ship shouldn't leak from the top. His whole

Because you have no friends. If you are here long enough, you'd have some. I've been here for years, use to be a star commenter. I know all the old timers.