
Two thumbs up for video taping in landscape!

You mean like when Samsung's lawyers being unable to tell the difference in U.S. court when asked by the Judge which is which?

Maybe Apple and Microsoft need to sue with FRAND patents too like Google is doing. You want to really stop things in their tracts, might as well go full on litigation. Apple and MS could bring the entire industry to a halt with their FRAND patents which they have more than any other companies out there. Or, the

If it were just rectangle with rounded corners and that was it, I'd agree. You need to look up the actual design patent though as there are 5-7 points, not 2.

They did purchase it, 3 years ago. This was a shakedown by the same company that sold them the name 3 years ago. This would have been thrown out of any western court.

Please do.

This product isn't anywhere near beta Leslie, its at best Alpha. I've said this before, these glasses are a cynical attempt by Google to create a halo product. They will never release these in any mass production. Mark my words.

If someone needs this, I think they should look at buying a life first.

I think the Finder's Keepers Law applies to this treasure.

1982 was long before mini-discs. Yeah I know, hard to believe huh? Actually, the Walkman used a cassette back then which was a huge leap in portability compared to vinyl or 8 track.

That's because Engadget writers are idiots.

I've always loved Sony designs even back to my first Sony Walkman in 1982. You know, if Sony could hire some talented software people, they could take on Apple. If I were Sony, I'd put a couple billion aside and go out and raid the most talented software engineers in the industry. Its a short term expense that will

I'm assuming those are remote areas where there is no relationship with the tribal chief?

'Merica, F*ck Yeah!

I guess then I read wrong. That must be one of the reasons they included a stylus :-)

You're correct. The x86 will be backwards compatible, but there won't be any apps allowed in the beginning other than Office, which makes it sort of crippled from the get go and you'll pay $1000 or so for it. The RT version is the mobile OS and will suffer the same limitations as Windows Phone.

You can do all of this (administrative control) with an iPad as well, just FYI.

I meant physically.

Maybe for the Pro, but not the RT as I see it. Tablets are not typically used to print things out in a corporate environment because they rely on wi-fi and major corporations don't use wi-fi to hook into the network. No tablet can replace a laptop or desktop. I don't see any tablet being a go to device for the

The touch keyboard won't be any better than the touch keyboard on an iPad with the exception that it will lay flat and not at an angle. What would make a difference is the tactile feedback of a mechanical keyboard. The touch cover is still a touch keyboard no natural angle and no tactile feed back and therefore it