
I have one these, they're excellent. Normally I won't buy a specialty appliance but this one has a lot of good uses. Its excellent for cooking all types of meat and is especially good with eggs. One word though, if you want the grill plates, it only comes with one with the other a flat plate. You have to order

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Just pipe this across the border on repeat and let the N. Korean people see what they're missing. Girls Generation > NoDong


That made my day.

Um, you need to read John Taddeo's post below before you start taking up for the random rich guy. The guy sounds like a tax cheat and a crook that might be spending some considerable federal prison time tossing salads for a daily activity.

That's certainly worthy of being promoted.

I was unaware Apple or others couldn't make multiple products at the same time, thanks for the info.

No, when you get old like me, you realize 5 or 6 years is a short span of time. I have ties that are 30 years old.

7 tablets? Why not spend the R&D on one good one, maybe 2 at the most. There must be a channel stuffing strategy going on here, otherwise, this doesn't make much business sense.

That makes sense. Thanks.

This is hard to believe. Metal, glass, high res screen and custom chip costs less to build than a plastic phone with a low res screen and bin components?

Two ideas to make this perfect: Give the chair some cushioning and wheels that you can lock down with a push of a button.

Yeah, but we know how that worked out in the end.

There is no law against "favored nation status", its even built into federal government contract laws.

The big ass EMT worker beating that little guy was too much win by itself.

You don't think the Friends app UI is mediocre? It's one of the worst UI's I've ever seen.

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I think its hard core MS evangelists that have the biggest issue with Windows 8, such as Paul Therott and Ed Bott.

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There was a movie made about Oliver Sacks with Robin Williams and Robert DeNiro. Its a wonderful movie. Dr. Sacks is one of the few humanitarian researchers in the world. The movie is based on a true story involving Dr. Sacks. He also wrote a wonderful book called an Anthropologist on Mars and the funny titled A

Oliver Sacks is a wonderful scientist.