
Where would we be without you and your education of us?

That is great, Happy Great American’s Day. There are lots of great Americans throughout history, so why shouldn’t they all be honored.

...looks like U are a big part of racism not dying-give it a break, get a real life

Alabama jointly celebrates Robert E. Lee and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on 19 January. Which is actually progress, as in previous years they only observed Lee’s birthday.

John Lewis is phoney. He’s been riding that EP Bridge shit for 50 years.

lol I love that you think anyone on the other side is going to give a shit about your “schooling.” Your degree in African-American Trans Women Studies does not mean anyone should take your “schooling” seriously.

John Lewis deserves to be disrespected. A 50 year career of uselessness.

Great I bet Trump voters can’t wait to hear what you have to tell them.

john lewis is a racist POS that is the poster boy for term limits. Something tells me if a rep would have come out 4 and 8 years ago and called obama not a legitimate president he would have been crucified for it. once again, free speech seems to only be allowed for libs.

I know, right! I say we start another holiday and call it “The Best American Ever Who Defeated Traitors” day, and have it on General Sherman’s Birthday. Make it a mandatory national holiday, too.

Lewis should be doing more for his district which is a real disgrace! That’s a real fact! I wouldn’t want to live in his district!

What makes you think your opinion is more valid than another? What gives you the right to “teach” people your way?

In Virginia it used to be Lee-Jackson-King Day. When MLK Day became a national holiday, they decided to also celebrate Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee to not piss off the racists. It’s now back to just being MLK Day.

Who the fuck cares? It’s an American holiday there’s no point getting triggered over nothing. The moment you libtards stop labeling people white, and black, and just calling them American’s we’ll have less racism for once.