
I feel like your argument should be that having an air gun should not be illegal. Cops should probably continue to enforce the law... if the law is stupid, we should change it.

Yep, there’s been nothing gun related in the news lately that would cause this kind of concern. Nothing at all. Nope. Not a thing.

Sort of makes you ask yourself what that kind of stat is actually good for?

It will absolutely drum up more support for Trump because there’s nothing Trump or Trump supporters hate more than educated people.

Not by any definition is that true, but thanks for parroting the mindless talking points of those who smear strong women who don’t know their place.

God-damn! I love your first response.

Maybe you shouldn't be here...

Most of us feel pretty terrible about what happened, and aren’t really in a joking mood.

Thanks for reminding us that there’s always a sociopath who feels no emotion, though. It’s an important reminder that the world is full of sick fucks.

Uh, she did crush him. The proportional delegate awards make it look closer than it was. Bernie supporters like you seem to think she is “in a race” with Bernie but in fact the race has been over for a very long time.

really isn’t even a very good politician by any objective measure.

The only “problem” Clinton started having was Sanders and his supporters being giant dicks. Clinton has held the lead in this race from start to finish. Nobody ever seriously believed Sanders could get the nomination, except a handful of deluded Bernie Bros.

I’m saying that, both online and out in the world, my cup runneth over with very privileged people throwing goddamn temper tantrums that their preferred candidate is not going to be the nominee.

Name checks out. More substantively,

I like your spirit. I also like the idea of having a shot in hell of a more liberal leaning judge being named to the SCOTUS. Ergo, fuck all that.

This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.

Good thing he didn’t say that, then.

Here’s my message to Bernie supporters, the precious snowflake Millennials:

I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.

I AM, in fact, an irritable dad with a law degree, Samer. How did you DO that?

You do not understand intellectual property law.