
It's extremely real!

Growing up I always turned off the Cosby show when it came on. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something about him bothered me. Funny to know I'm not the only one who had that premonition.

Exactly. His own testimony under oath falls in line with this. He stated he obtained at least 7 prescriptions of quaaludes with the sole intent of "giving" them to "young women" for sex.

This is far from Cosby's only mention of Spanish fly. And yes, it doesn't exist, however it's clearly a placeholder for drugs that DO exist that can fit the narrative above exactly.

This isn't describing aphrodisiacs. Aphrodisiacs cannot and would not cause a person to "go for a flagpole instead of you.”
He's also explicitly stating in this book that it's being given unconsentualy, meaning against someone's will, and altering someone's state of mind with chemicals without their knowledge

It is rape. It's commonly called date rape. Spiking someone with drugs against their will with these drugs makes them legally unable to consent.

Drugging unconsentualy to initiate sex is rape. There are no "aphrodisiacs" that force women to have sex with any man around them. However, date rape drugs exist (such as roofies or quaaludes) which can cause this

Clips like this are irrelevant imo. If one wants a true insight into Cosby's pyche, just look back at his own writings…

Clearly he's an insane sociopath.
Direct response to question asking if it's true, if he did it:

Cosby, your evil self will not be able to recover from this like 10 years ago. It's not going to be swept under the rug. How do you expect to perform and stay relevant without publicly addressing the allegations? How do expect to ever do an interview again without being asked about it?!

The fact of the matter is, NO ONE is suggesting we just go on and put hand cuffs on the man…BUT…how can he expect to be welcomed by the public if he does not even address these allegations?

She's not the only one. Also, rapists seek out vulnerable victims. Maybe even so vulnerable and twisted that after the initial rape they come back consenually. Though that does NOT excuse the initial rape.

Haha I thought the same. Though they'll have to wait to see how this turns out

Rape prosecution is not always black in white, it's sometimes very difficult to gather evidence. Especially decades ago where there was much less support and discrimination against victims.