Sorry this happened. This is what kills me about masks. The same people screaming about their rights and “god’s breathing instrument” are in the same breath demanding that the rest of the world act like there is no pandemic.
Sorry this happened. This is what kills me about masks. The same people screaming about their rights and “god’s breathing instrument” are in the same breath demanding that the rest of the world act like there is no pandemic.
Best wishes for no/few symptoms and fast recovery! I had to quarantine with my spouse after she tested positive and it was no picnic.
Grocery store employees don't get enough credit for all the work they do. My heart goes out to you.
Shit, dude. Hope you have mild symptoms, if any.
Mr. Stone as we say where I and a lot us “negroes” are from “Say that shit to my face.” Biggest problem bitches like him, Trump, Tucker, Hannity and others have in common is that no one has flat out beat their asses for talking shit like that. Oh to all the bitch ass pussies in the grey’s that always got some smart…
“Previous executive orders—and now this order—state no local action can be more or less restrictive than ours. We have explained that local mask mandates are unenforceable.
If anything, me being very distrustful and pessimistic about people in general has made it easier to cope in these times. People like the anti-maskers are just going what I expect our collective nation of morons would react, and then anyone who shows a mind and a heart gives me a jolt of pleasant surprise. My life…
So let me get this correct, you swore an oath to uphold the law and protect the public and because of poor training, ingrained biases and complete lack of maturity & accountability on the part of your union and well the rank and file of law enforcement officers locally and nationwide your response to a well warranted…
Well, they needed something to replace the Confederate flag with, so there it is.
And it’s growing. Used to be you only heard the anthem at games, and I swear when I was a kid standing was optional. You certainly didn’t have the gigantic flag covering the field and being held by military guys and then the flyover and then the “thank the troops” segment between every quarter, and God Bless America…
I will hunt a mother fucker down if they even think of messing with this guy! As a child of color I grew up in shit neighborhood with a shit school system that was just passing me on through the grades. I was in the 3rd grade and I could not read. His show, was the one thing that made me want to learn to read.
I have always found it interesting that Germany- a country that started 2 world wars - will not allow the use of swastikas, nazi paraphernalia or ss memorabilia in the country. They are also not allowed to erect statues or memorials in memory of Hitler, Goebbels or any other popular nazi that might adorn racist…
He said that wearing the hood was not intended to be a racial statement.
I won’t wish coronavirus on Stephen Miller because it’s very likely he already has it. I do hope that Mr. and Mrs. Miller turn out to be subjects in a study of coronavirus related infertility. America’s full up on fascists.
We know what a piece of slime-covered shit Miller is.
I’m not convinced Trump hasn’t tested positive. He’s the kind of piece of human garbage that would absolutely pretend not to have been tested positive to downplay the severity of the situation.
Yeah, if my state were to fully open up tomorrow I’d still be doing the same thing I’m doing today, which means staying at home except for necessities which means not going to these businesses that open back up. Sure some people who think we should just be open would go but would it even enough to sustain these…
Because those also happen to, by and large, not be republican voters. In their minds, it’s a two-birds-with-one-stone solution. It’s the same reason why Republicans overwhelmingly support making voting as burdensome as possible.