
What we have here is a whole lotta people that have heard No too little. Oh, I’m sure they think they’ve heard no, but they just haven’t had to live with the nos that they have been told.


I was there in November, too, and have been a few times before that and even if all of the casinos were reopen there’s absolutely no way they’d be even remotely near capacity. Sure you’d get some locals in Downtown Vegas, some idiot college kids looking for a good deal, and some Trump supporters trying to make a

That is a HUUUUUGE part of the problem and has been for years — the dipshits in media giving “equal time” to abject morons (often morons with nefarious ulterior motives) in the name of “fairness.” Fairness does not require us to entertain demonstrably-wrong fuckwits. All it does is legitimize them in the eyes of other

i want this fat fuck dead.

also, he’s shifting the blame for all of his fuck up by calling it a chinese virus. he’s blaming china for it.

I loved all your plans. I thought you owned the debate stage. I thought you crushed Bloomberg back to baby status in his first debate but unfortunately, you suffer from what many African Americans suffer from: You aren’t a white man.

My time in American public schools showed me that most teachers really have no business teaching.

I’d be insanely happy voting for this ticket.

Can you run from federal prison...?

Why not? He’s got the same qualifications.

There was a mass extinction event in late 2016. We all died, and this is hell. 

This is clearly NOT about distracting people from the impeachment and other crimes. NOOOOOOOOPE. Totally not about that. 

Lately of the Portland Police Department, where it was believed she was hired mostly for optics.
Teressa Raiford, a local activist said the following:

Those “government shouldn’t own land” types are in for a huge shock if they get their way. They seem to think lands will just be handed over to local ranchers instead of auctioned off to big ag/petro/mining concerns, who will be nowhere near as kind to ranchers as the feds are.

So...when are they going to get around to charging him with treason and terrorism and locking him the fuck up?

That ad, and the artist’s explanation of it are some hipster, art house, bullshit. This is someone who clearly doesn’t get racism and whose knowledge of black people is limited to black footballers and old Disney movies.

Someone forgot to tell Trump how his base pays for Go Go Juice down at the Piggly Wiggly.

And these are the people who are worried their kids could get autism from vaccines...

“So why did you leave your last job?”

Yeah, she deserves the suit. She was loud and wrong and fucked this woman over.