
Person next to me pulls out a whole avocado from his bag; bites into it and tears a ~1" hole in the outer skin (spits/discards skin somewhere); then proceeds to eat the entire avocado by a combination of squeezing and sucking the insides out through this hole. This is in the first 15 minutes of a 5 hour flight.

Let’s be clear: Tuscaloosa may be blue, but the fans come from every part of the state and will be disproportionately white like most people who are able to attend sporting events are. The student section is just that: a section of the fanbase.

I’ve never understood everyone’s need to make her into some kind of sympathetic figure or quasi-ally. She is not those things. She never has been. 

Cue the accusations that he did this to himself.

Where I live, the bus specifically states inside “it is a felony to assault the driver...

Once he put that 2nd piece of candy or gum in his mouth, you could tell he was gathering up saliva.  I hate crimes against defenseless elderly ppl and children but it would have taken my ancestors to say child hold up it’s not worth it bc once that old spit left his mouth a tight brown balled fist would have hit him

Alright at this point Booker is running for VP for anyone. Julian is also in VP running. White Liberals can keep wasting their money on Pistol Pete (I hope that sticks) but the word is pretty much out on how he ran South Bend and how he works with black people. Harris is hoping for a cabinet positions. Beto has people

They need to start slapping cuffs on these people or at least fining them for failure to comply. Show some teeth, Democrats!

If AOC had paid “$100 less at the subsidized barber shop at the Capitol,” do you think we’d be getting a hatchet piece about how AOC stole $100 from all of us for a fancy haircut?

That’s the thing, isn’t it? We all saw this coming. But so did the white supremacists and fascists. They were banking on it. The only people who were “fooled” were the wealthy elites who propped Trump up because they thought he would be great for their coffers, and could be reined in, as well as the centrist liberals

Congress is going to have to start using inherent contempt and lock these motherfuckers up in the capital jail. Feed them the same barely edible slop that real prisoners have to eat and their pampered asses will roll on trump faster than the wheels on a Koenigsegg.


He knows it, too, which is why he keeps pulling shit like this—he’s a vicious little rat terrier who is being driven crazy by everybody around him going “oh, he’s so darling when he’s mad! Get that toy, get it!”

Had to.

I don’t know about drug related charges, I was thinking they’ll go with a black on black crime narrative. I dont know the neighborhood but considering a police officer and an accountant lived there, and the brutality with which this latest murder occurred it’s a lot of red flags... I wish I could just get the hell out

I honestly don’t get the sense that Joe’s heart is in this. I feel like he got talked into it by people who felt he was the only hope for democracy, and at one point, it really did look that way. It’s clear now that there are other options, so yes, he could let go.

He needs to get out and endorse Elizabeth Warren.  He's a good man, but it's simply not to be.

There are members of my extended family, who have known me my whole life, whose names I can’t remember. Like I recognize them, and I have a pool of names associated with this group of people, but I have trouble pairing the names with the faces.

As a kid, I only ever saw these people maybe once a year, and to me they

My mom would have beat me, then made me go on national TV and apologize, then took me home, beat me some more and planned my life until I was 18, weekly beatings included. 

White women’s tear are weapoma of mass distruction and have gotten Black men killed and them off the hook. It absolutely does matter that she’s faking it.