
The gender neutral term for Latino is Latino. No actual Latino identifies as Latinx. It’s a made up word by non Latinos. Kinda like how people who are not Native American want to change the name of the Washington Redskins, but actual Native Americans could care less.

I would actually kind of love it if this became the “Al Capone tax evasion” of the Trump administration. If manage to dodge all the accusations of obstruction but end up in prison for throwing a shitty, expensive party, it would have a certain poetic grace.

Note to the guards: Suicide watch does not mean, “watch someone commit suicide.”

It is possible to disapprove of Epic’s exclusivity practices—and to be disappointed that a game you’ve been looking forward to has become an EGS exclusive (almost certainly for a period of no more than a year)—without resorting to shitting all over devs who decide to take the deal.

This is especially true of faking

the 45%’s actual answer was “yes, he is racist but i don’t care.”

A friend commented this should be about policy not passion. Then preceded to say she didn’t like how salty Harris was being and didn’t want to Warren because she didn’t want to listen to her voice for 4 years.

I guess yesterday was the real debate and the only argument left to settle is whether Warren is Sanders’ VP, or Sanders is Warren’s VP. 

Trump: Just look at this, we have a Santiago shooting up Great White Gilroy Garlic. It’s unbelievable, I told you they were criminals

An increasing feeling of panic.

“But I’m one of the GOOD ones! You said I’d be safe!”

See, all these idiots thought they transcended the color of their skin.

If I was certain that the US Navy and Air Farce wouldn’t literally flatten the island with every bomb that wasn’t dropped on Iraq and Afganistan if they revolted, then charge them for the infrastructure costs and loss of business for US companies that were literally assraping the island - I’d tell them they should

He doesn’t want us to talk about his failure at the border, his failure in court, his failure with the census thing, his failure to even get a meeting with Iran with or without preconditions, his failure to win hypothetical election polls against any Democrat, his failure to win hypothetical election polls against

And, honestly, the group who are the worst, who should feel the worst, who demand to be treated worse than all others, should be the Bernie brothers who refused to vote for Hillary because they felt cheated. They’re stupidity, their inanity, their stupid beliefs that trump had no chance so they could vote for no one,

at this point shes a collaborator. 

This is like—straight-up, a Chappelle’s Show sketch. Unaltered.

Get ready for people to lose their shit. 

If I see a red fucking hat, it’s open season on the motherfucker wearing it.

Yelling at them is a start but I’d prefer to see actual repercussions. 

Yes, giant fucking weakness. All those other candidates have a ton of skeletons and this fucking pocahontas thing makes you say Warren should drop out.