I could see if this was just a matter of negligence and the concentration camp prisoners just weren’t getting the supplies they needed, but what makes this so much worse is the way so many white people seem to be straight up gleeful about the abuses taking place. Even if you don’t want those people in the US, they’re…
They either need to find another way to sell their book (if they have one) or find another fricking hobby. They are getting in the way.
Rapinoe’s second goal and American Football like celebration rubbed me the wrong way (so does the excessive celebration in American Football). But I didn’t see issues with most of the rest of the celebrations, even as the score climbed higher. Several of the goals were the first World Cup goals for those players, they…
This is the dumbest take.
Always, always, always call Trump’s bluff. Because if the thing he’s threatening benefits him, he’s going to do it regardless of whether you agree to his demands or not. When you give in to his bullying, at best you buy yourself a couple of weeks. Trump does not keep his word: that’s one of very few things about which …
This pisses me off, Biden is absolutely dominating the polls and he’s just out here winging it, while Warren is doing the hard work day in and day out and is barely scratching 8 percent. She’s traversing all over the country doing town halls and putting out white papers tackling every single pertinent policy issue,…
The DNA thing was stupid but the fact that people are clinging so hard to what amounts as a gaffe, while excusing more abhorrent behavior from other frontrunners, is straight up misogyny.
I think it is hard to blame companies for not wanting to send their female employees to Georgia. What if, god forbid, one of their pregnant employees miscarries, and these dolts refuse to do an abortion because the fetus “might still be viable”? Or their employee gets charged with murder for miscarrying? Gets raped…
Right-Wing Nutjob Aborts Full-Term Baby in Public
The sheer amount of local money and clout (i.e. potential for future money) at stake really can’t be overstated. Whole family fortunes and lifestyles rely on this sort of casual, expected. cost-of-doing-business graft.
Wow, the new Mayor came through the door, swinging! This is going to be amazing to watch!
their old and rich just like trump. This is all a game to them and they need to move aside for ppl literally half their age who understand the stakes.
“In any case, Hobson said, the bus operator wasn’t in the wrong.”
It’s absolutely absurd that they’re having another election. Just give it to the dude who didn’t flagrantly cheat.
I hope they use. Anybody that has worked in healthcare for any amount of time will tell you that it’s common for minorities to be treated with a kind of disdain or disregard. And if that’s not enough there are any number of studies that highlight all of the disparities in the level of care we get. It doesn’t cost…
I’m always pro-union.
Heartbreaking? No, it’s illegal as fucking hell.
Uplay, Origin, Battle.net, GoG Galaxy... why is Epic’s a big deal now? It isn’t like you are having to buy whole new hardware like console gamers have had to do for the last 40+ years. It’s a free installation.