Rance Muhammitz

"And now, whenever David Banner grows angry or outraged, a startling metamorphosis occurs". I guess Banner would be the Hulk full time during the Trump administration.

Well, his name is Jim, but most people call him…Jim.

I do not remember much about David Mamet's Spartan except the miserable line of dialogue from villain William H. Macy to Val Kilmer - "You had to put on your thinking cap!"

I would love to see Dan Aykroyd as the ghost of Nixon confront Baldwin in a cold open.

His weekly addresses on Facebook consist of him speaking directly to the camera and then cutting to a side profile where it looks as though he is talking to an imaginary friend. This camera A and Camera B crosscutting goes on for the full address.

Melania looks a little more dead eyed than usual. I'm worried.

And Gary Busey.

He's there just to take good care of me, like he's one of the family… unless I drink, do drugs or voted for Hillary.

Apparently Beverly D' Angelo thought Baio was a good guy. And Liza Minnelli. And Heather Thomas. And oh, never mind.

Godzilla (1998) was pretty awful. Luckily the film melted halfway through and I got a free ticket. Went and saw Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas instead. Stuck On You was the last time I can remember wanting to walk out of a film. I kept with it hoping it would redeem itself. I remember thinking at the time that it was

Here's to those nuts, those fools…

Won't any of them go to Mad Mel for a picture?

It always seemed to me that High Road To China and Lassiter were meant to capture the Indiana Jones type role that Selleck missed out on. You never see either on basic cable even.

Saw one on cable recently where Magnum goes out on a hike and gets trapped under an old aircraft. He then proceeds to flashback and hallucinate for the remainder. He even flashes back to when he was adrift at sea. Magnum should never be allowed to wander unaccompanied.

I'm thinking that was a Conway Twitty impersonator. Those exist, right?

The only other film that I can think of that stirred up this kind of emotion before The Exorcist would have to be Psycho. This was certainly one of the first mainstream hard R horror films that also qualified as a major cultural event. Shortly after this, we would get Jaws and while not an R rated film, would produce

Are McCreamy and McSteamy still on the show?

Better to be Pizza King for 25 years than schmuck for a lifetime.

I believe the American girl was Moon Zappa.