
I wouldn’t criticize Crawford for her choice overextend herself for her job.

Those who jeer & mock are necessarily on the sidelines and not in the arena

I own a ton of comics from comixology, and I read exclusively through my browser, so this news fucking suuuuuucks.

Yeah I don’t think that’s an accurate analysis. Indie games are presented side by side with the largest AAA games in new releases. The only ways you find AAA with a leg up is in the sponsored spots, but that’s the case on any games marketplace

That’s how, like, 2 MMOs work anymore.

Holy FUCK does Sony need a better answer to GamePass. Like, now.

Absolutely, they would. I’d be just fine with that, too. I’ve been beating that drum in one way or another for like 15 years now.

I’m shocked that wow is still hitting people up for subscription fees, let alone that people are still paying it.

Indies are pretty visible on gamepass though, one of the reasons I’m still subscribed is that I’m looking forward to trying out Nobody Saves the World

Microsoft would sell Game Pass on PlayStation and Switch if they could.  All they want is as many people signed up as possible.

If Gamepass does add WoW then that would be a game changer for the game, considering that base Gamepass for Xbox or PC is 1/3 cheaper than WoW’s subscription, on top of having all of the other games that people already play Gamepass for. It might actually help with some of the empty servers in the game if a flood of

Of course they are. Microsoft has been placing huge bets on services becoming for gaming what they became for much of the entertainment industry. They don’t want people to buy an Xbox so much as they want people signing up for their service. Purchasing Actibliz positions them well to be the first name that comes to

The judge sees the case cross his desk and looks up at his framed poster of “Prey will continue...” and knows his chance has finally come. All those years of practicing law, worth it at last.

Yes but then the system wouldn’t be rigged in favor of the biggest corporations

Been waiting for this for a long time, so I’m pretty excited. My understanding from the whole fiasco with It Takes Two is that pursuing trademark infringement litigation isn’t necessary if there’s not going to be any confusion over the product’s ownership ( see #3 on

There’s a few of things to assume here. Partnerships/sponsors wouldn’t want to work with her because:

Because her name is identical to another brand that some people don’t want to be associated with, or that people don’t want people to think they are being tricked when they advertise an association with “Squid Game” that isn’t an association with the hit series that most people would assume...

This is why you name yourself after shows that have already happened and comedians who have already died rather than naming yourself after shows that won’t exist for a decade.

yeah, you’re right. it’d DRM in all but name

And it will render the game 99% unplayable when those servers inevitable are eventually done away with