
Not a fan of the industry trends in how they choose to monetize their products. Maybe I'm in the minority but if they want $80 for a game I'd feel better about buying that than having stuff locked away for months on end...only for them to attempt to sell it as downloadable content. It's called downloadable for a

LOL, so true.


*Spoiler ahead*

Precisely. I hope people continue to speak up when disappointed. That's one way in which things are improved in the future. Just rolling with things sends the signal that everything is fine and we all *should* know where that kind of thinking leads by now.

Well said.

From all (not most, all) of the issues I've read people post with the endings, none of them were about what you posted at all. Take that for what it's worth, but it seems like you made up a complaint and then formed an opinion against the made up complaint.

Loved reading that. More like this one Kotaku, please.

I agree, mostly. Too many things in the ending directly contradict continuity and lore established in the three games. I'm not optimistic that an epilogue can fix that many logic errors and contradictions but I'm willing to wait to pass final judgment.

This is the point where someone responds: "I would if I was told my decision would affect what happened to Bambi at the end only for Bambi to die no matter what I did, just with different colored lights."

The reason why they do it is significantly less relevant to the fact that legitimate paying customers are also locked out of a product they paid for.

So to combat fraud...this company locks actual paying customers out of their product until a "review" period is over? Then tells customers, to essentially not worry because it's only 3 days?

Two methods for myself.

And yet...this level of outrage wasn't leveled at Saints Row 3. Interesting to put it mildly.

A limit on how many games can be single player? I'm hoping I'm reading this wrong and this type of stuff isn't the direction the industry at large heads in. Here's a random thought: Single player mode is done offline. That might be a bit of a revolutionary concept, but I think with enough R&D and testing


I see this partially as Team Ninja's new lead(ers) doing anything and everything to be different from what Itagaki was and represented. Some of this "look we are different now!" didn't exactly translate to a better game in NG3. As a big DoA fan I'm hoping the core game of DoA5 and roster remains intact more so than

Please realize that voice is just as much a part of character as the visuals. Michael Ironside has not only done Sam Fisher for a long time but he's done it exceedingly well. His voice and delivery IS Sam Fisher at this point. Changing that up is not a small change especially in a game series that focuses so much on

The simple fact is that while a good game doesn't have to have awe inspiring visuals a lot of the time visuals DO matter. Even most of the indie games available today aren't using NES level graphics I grew up on so that also shows why improving graphics is fairly important.

LOL, well played. Well played indeed.