Maybe if it had a manual gearbox...
Maybe if it had a manual gearbox...
Great comment. I’ve never understood the PT Cruiser hatred. I’ve always thought they would be a nice “gig mobile”. Stuff your guitars and amps in the back and travel with decent economy and reasonable reliability.
I think Packard should also be considered.
I have accepted that while I am on my bike that drivers are out to squish me. I ride like my head is “on a swivel” and I assume they will do something stupid. Confrontation is pointless.
One of my favorite Bible verses.
Brodozer? I call them "Over-compensation appliances" or "penis extenders".
What the heck, NP!
To this day Packard enthusiasts claim the mid priced 120 model built during the Depression ruined the marque as a premiere luxury brand. By all measures, they were fine automobiles.
Check out "The Goat Man" . I saw him a few times when I was a wee lad.
I liked the golf game myself.
I fall into both categories 1 & 10. I feel no shame. BTW, about Lucas electrics...
I like the car but the price is just a trifle bit elevated for my bank account. CP.
I wanted it until I read about the gearbox ailments. A tearful CP.
NP. I'd buy for my teenaged son just to torture him.
I like the car but I couldn't afford the upkeep, assuming it is not some sort of scam. CP for me.
Beater rule applies here. NP.
I'll pass. CP
Would "Afro-engineered" be more appropriate? I'm sick of political correctness.