
I look in the mirror. Actually, I ask my other gear head friends and look at their lot and see what they are working on.

I saw some $30,000.00 speaker cables for "high end" audio equipment. Yes I do.

I drove nothing but MG's and Austin-Healeys for several years and I never had a wiring melt-down, engine failure or any of the other myriad of problems people crow about. Most people here in the states that them drove didn't understand the concept of preventative maintenance. They required a little P.M. and T.L.C. to

Dang it. Now I want to go see the movie again. Maybe I'll buy the book instead.

Some churches refer to 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

Ugly. Why did they do that to such a pretty face? CP.

I call it CP because the vehicle isn't for me. Probably cool otherwise.

In never Say Never Again, the scene with Bond on a motorcycle in a chase with the evil Fatima Blush in a Renault R5 Turbo. the movie wasn't very good but seeing an R5 driven in anger is nice. Plus Barbara Carrera.

Nice price. I would buy it but I wouldn't even inquire unless I could afford the maintenance. It may say Dino but it is still a Ferrari. Flashy but expensive to own. Still NP


Black? Looks gray or maybe green to me. Actually looks interesting.

Another cataclysmic series of eruptions similar to what caused the "Little Ice Age" way back when will make all of this moot. I fear we are tilting at windmills by trying to modify the climate whether accidently or on purpose.

An original LG Envy. That's all.

I would go for it. I would try to negotiate, but I would go for. In my area, 1974 vehicle means no emission testing so you could add some go fast mods to the engine and make it more fun. No I would not install an SBC. NP

About $23,000 to expensive. I saw a 500 Abarth brand new in the showroom Monday for about what they want for this. CP.

I was drilling a hole in the trunk floor of a Camaro had owned when I was a teenager. I also drilled a hole in the top of the gas tank. I dropped the tank, screwed a sheetmetal screw into the hole and covered it with some of that tank repair epoxy. Maybe some one was eat up with the stupid for a moment as I was.

I figure the conversation went like this: "What color should we paint it? Let's paint it like a rainbow. That would look cool ! Ok, let's do it ! ". No agenda, just looking neat.

Rebuilding on a strict budget, maybe. Bought the parts when he had the extra cash.

I've always thought an old Packard or Caddy hearse would be neat . An LTD flower car? Not so much. Too expensive to be a beater. CP

For me this would be PCH. CP