
Not stinking likely. CP

Yuk, ugly. CP

I got nothing.

$1K maybe, $10K is beyond crack. They sellers must be dabbling in mushrooms or something similar. Crack to the third power.

The road rash, think of the road rash!

I love British cars and I've learned to exorcise Lucas,the prince of darkness. I wholeheartedly vote NP on this one.

I was very disheartened when the Delta Wing was disabled. It seemed there would be something to follow besides another boring Audi walkover.

Nice price if it would pass local emissions. That mess takes a lot of neat cars out of the running around here.

I had this happen to me driving an MG Midget at 75 MPH. Scared the crap out of me.

No comment.

The Jungle Jim Funny Car.

After reading the comments I realize that I can't add anything that hasn't already been said. Wait, we need buns to make some awesome subs!

I've always been partial to the AMC livery.

Looks like "Hacksaw" Reynolds (if you don't understand, Google) has struck again! CP.


When I grow up, I want to do that, too!

To me this swap doesn't make very much sense. CP

A great concept ! I fear it may not work out very well. A friend had a VW bus with a Corvair engine that never really worked very well. I feel this will be a similar situation. CP

When I was in high school we were told that scientists were predicting a global ice age by the year 2000. They were wrong. In the area I live in, the air and the water is cleaner and clearer than any other time in my 53 years on this rock. We need to try to live as cleanly and earth friendly as possible. Tipping