
Anyone can be bothered by anything these days. But with plenty of valid things to be "outraged" about, I simply don't understand why things have to be made up for it.

That would be a negative. Perhaps you should spend some time on your reading comprehension? I am not responding to "controversy", I am responding to a fairy tale that is being touted as a controversy. Care to try again?

I cannot dislike something that doesn't exist. Sorry.
And I have to say, your analogy is.. Well, so far off that it's hard to decipher. If you wanted to challenge my comment with an analogy, perhaps something like this would've worked. "It's like protesters protesting against the moon crashing into the earth Sunday."…

"The controversy has captured….." There is no controversy. Only whining and crying by people who's job it is to whine and cry. This is then propagated out to the masses by way of "journalists" who's job it is to write about the people who whine and cry as if it has some real meaning. It doesn't.