
Just preserve the current top time as the true pre mod time and let people try and beat that one without mods from this point forward as it’s own category and just let any% collect these modded times as the new standard since no one wants to deal with that rng shiz before a speedrun, case closed

The very last thing u unlock is the main focus really if your not into different costumes its the unlimited potential talisman basically letting you use your gravity powers Infinitely so while the rest of the unlocks may be unimportant to some the very last dusty token unlock is kinda an endgame reward you can get

Aye for a sec I thought people forgot about that, game informer did that gta v issue that talked about a possible new map to travel to by boat or plane and a multiplayer stock market that would come online sometime after the heists but that never happened and obviously promises of sp dlc but I think honestly they did

Guerrilla was gwg like a year or so back

There are a couple I think worth mentioning that are left off this list Train to busan is an amazing zombie movie and it’s on Netflix also los jefes is an interesting take on Mexican cartel movies an is also on Netflix both are also foreign films Korean and Mexican respectively