
I like Warren, but she’s not a national candidate. She actually signed a memo encouraging Hillary to run. Booker has his own baggage that would’ve made him unacceptable to the progressives (see his comment about how outraged he was at people criticizing Wall Street), Castro seems too unseasoned to me, and O’Malley had

A terrible, unlikable candidate...who immediately received the support of her entire party. OK!

These are a bunch of scared old white men who horde guns to protect themselves from blacks, Muslims and Mexicans. There won’t be a violent uprising because that means they’d have to go outside where there could be blacks, Muslims and Mexicans.

Easy. Your country is full of terrified, racist, sexist assholes.

Black president

I’m sure they’ll declare it over and over again on message boards far and wide. And then they won’t do anything in the real world.